Le jardin où les fleurs sont des pierres.
C'est le jardin le plus mystérieux de Lyon. L'un des espaces publics les plus inattendus de la cité. Sur la frange du belvédère qui surplombe Lyon, il accueille une œuvre d'art qui semble raconter à sa ville l'incroyable histoire du monde !
Site magique et unique à notre époque, l'erre de la Compas-Raison est une invitation à explorer un concentré d'univers.
La Duchère avenue du plateau 9ème arrondissement Lyon
The Garden where flowers are rocks.
It is the most mysterious garden of Lyon,
one of the most unexpected public spaces of the city.
On the border of the belvedere that looks down on the latter,
the former welcomes a piece of art that seems to tell
its city the incredible story of the world!
It is a magical and unique place in our time,
the wandering of Reason (“Compas-Raison”),
is an invitation to explore a concentrate of universe.
The Duchère, avenue du plateau – 9th district, Lyon.
“I admit having been sceptical for a long time about investing this esplanade. In cities where the economic crisis tragically reduces incomes of many, where unemployment hits hard and often leads to destruction, in particular among the younger generation, it could seem provocative to spend such important sums of money on the arrangement of a public space.
These doubts, Serge Boÿer was able to wipe them out.
First of all, because the space he arranged is beautiful, and that his esplanade is a magnificent opening of the Duchère on the city, but especially because his work of art participates to a even more fundamental opening.
If the artist is whom creates sense, there is no doubt that the work of Serge Boÿer transforms this area. I think that during the long months of this Master work, a deep communication was created between an area and an artist.
I hope Serge Boÿer forgives me, but I find that by leaving the metallic structures of the city centre to implant the work of art in la Duchère, it became stronger and deeper and allowed him to refine the rough rock. There was an enrichment of the artist’s work under the influence of an area, but also the enrichment of an area thanks to the works of the artist.
Drawing from sources of the Greek and Latin Ancient world, as well as that of the Arab East, of Judaism and by
exploring their founding myths, Serge Boÿer captures Babel to reunite it and give it a common language: that of humanism!
As in this work, and unlike the proverb says: comparison is reason, it is about finding that essential harmony that each human being holds within him, if he can reach deep enough for his heart.
Look for it and you will find it!
Whatever the origin, the religion, whatever the philosophical conceptions, each and everyone holds within him part of the truth.
That is what founds a universalism of reason that differences enrich, even if it transcends them, in a global conception of the human being, of its relationship to death, to life and to destiny.
We do not look at the piece of art of Serge Boÿer, it is an initiation path that we step in, a path in which the dialogue between various cultures progressively leads to the sacred.
I believe, Serge Boÿer, that this piece of art is your masterpiece and that the artist himself is transcended by the master.”
Gérard Collomb
Mayor of Lyon
place de la république à Lyon 1976
Historique et descriptif
Lauréat d’un concours en 1976, réalisation de la place de la république, un ensemble constitué de 108 pierres en granit rose, sur un tracé régulateur définissant l’espace de la place dans sa totalité.
Réinstallée et recomposée 19 ans après sur le belvédère de la Duchère Lyon 9ème sous le nom de ‘‘L’ERRE DE LA COMPAS-RAISON’’
History and description
Award-winning of a contest concerning the creation of the Place de la République in 1976, the piece of art consists of a set of 108 pink granite rocks, placed on a delimitating layout defining the entire space of the square.
It was reinstalled 19 years later on the belvedere of the Duchère, Lyon 9th,
under the name of “L’ERRE DE LA COMPAS-RAISON’’.